Texas Presbyterian Foundation
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Communicating for Change: 5 Simple Ways to Encourage Generosity Now!

The best way to encourage generosity is to talk about it. It's time to get started! Click here to five easy ways you can encourage generosity TODAY.

The New Rules of Generational Giving

Charitable giving continues to change. What's causing this? Click here to take a look at how the different generations are continually impacting the face of generosity and review the new rules for successfully navigating these changes.

5 Key Generosity Trends for 2020 and Beyond

What changes can you expect due to the continued transformation of the generosity demonstrated by church members and donors? Click here to check out Rick Young's thoughts on and recommendations around the 5 key trends in generosity he sees coming to prominence in 2020.

DO I HAVE TO? Putting the Joy Back in Generosity

There's a big difference between HAVE TO and WANT TO generosity. Take a look at our latest blog post for The Rev. Dr. Richard Young's three keys to encouraging the WANT TO kind of generosity that truly changes lives.


Always expect the unexpected. Especially when it comes to our financial markets. To learn more, check out John Furlow's thoughts on the first two quarters of 2019 and register for our upcoming live, mid-year investment conversation.

5 Technology Trends You Need to Know About Now!

When it comes to technology, the only thing we know for sure is that everything will change. These changes bring a constant flow of updates and questions for TPF partners. Click here for insight into the 5 trends most likely to affect you over the coming year.

Overcoming the Empty Offering Plate: Let's Talk About It!

Are you looking for new ways to talk about and encourage generosity? Is stewardship important to you? Click here to learn more about how we plan to help you continue on your generosity journey.


Are you curious about what you can expect from the markets in the coming year? While we don't actually have a Magic 8-Ball, TPF's President & CEO, Rev. Rick Young, does provide guiding insight to help us anticipate what the coming year might bring. Click here for a first look!

Strategizing for the Future: Don’t Forget the Trademark of Sustainability…

Endowments are powerful giving vehicles that truly can help you change the lives of others. Click here for more information about the different ways you can establish an Endowment to support your favorite church or nonprofit.

It’s Not Just About Today! Focus on Tomorrow…

There can be no question. We are NOT speculators or prophets. But we do have a proven investment philosophy that can increase your ability to expand your impact on mission. How do we do it? Click here to find out how...