Texas Presbyterian Foundation
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Don’t Rely on Luck! Here’s What You Can Do Instead…

Nobody knows what the future will bring, but we do know that you can never be too prepared. It takes both preparation and luck to achieve success. Click here for Jake Wilson's thoughts on the importance of proactively managing the financial health of your church or non-profit organization.

Blooms of Hope in a World of Uncertainty: Growing Generosity Today

Our President, The Rev. Dr. Rick Young, has been busy during the past few months. It's no surprise, that he's continued to grow our practice of generosity and stewardship. Click here to not only find out what he's been up to, but also for his recommendations for growing generosity now.

Change, Volatility, & Extraordinary Circumstances: 3 Things You Need to Know Now About Our Financial Markets

Right now, our financial markets, along with everything else, are turbulent and unpredictable. But what do you really need to know? Click here to see John Furlow's top three highlights from our most recent webinar focused on navigating these turbulent times.

DO WHAT MATTERS, NOW! 5 Ways to Support Proactive Growth in a Reactive Environment

Right now, growing a church or nonprofit can be especially difficult. While slow cautious steps forward might feel comfortable, it's critical that we don't just wait for the world to happen around us. Click here for Rick Young's 5 steps to supporting proactive growth in a reactive environment.

Thoughts on a Hopeful New Normal: Overcoming Isolation, Together

Our recent isolation has been different for everyone, but it has been especially difficult for the more extroverted among us. Click here for Stefanie Marsden's thoughts on what's happening in our current environment and hopeful words of encouragement.

Thoughts on a Hopeful New Normal: Thriving with Technology, Together

Always an important part of most everything we do, technology has now become critical to even the simplest of daily activities. Click here to read Jake Wilson's thoughts on how we can truly connect during this time of isolation.

Thoughts on a Hopeful New Normal: Generations Enduring, Together

We are navigating new and uncertain times. In this new blog post, The Rev. Dr. Rick Young shares his hopeful thoughts on how and why generations are working together to support each other. Click here for this valuable insight...

Communicating for Change: 5 Simple Ways to Encourage Generosity Now!

The best way to encourage generosity is to talk about it. It's time to get started! Click here to five easy ways you can encourage generosity TODAY.

The New Rules of Generational Giving

Charitable giving continues to change. What's causing this? Click here to take a look at how the different generations are continually impacting the face of generosity and review the new rules for successfully navigating these changes.

5 Key Generosity Trends for 2020 and Beyond

What changes can you expect due to the continued transformation of the generosity demonstrated by church members and donors? Click here to check out Rick Young's thoughts on and recommendations around the 5 key trends in generosity he sees coming to prominence in 2020.