Texas Presbyterian Foundation

Discipline and Acumen: Making the Most of the Current Financial Markets

By John Furlow, TPF’s Executive Vice President

As I try to stay warm in this time of extreme winter weather, I am reflecting on how these unusual temperatures are just another in a long list of things that we couldn’t anticipate. A year ago, no one had an idea what was about to impact the investment world. We knew that volatility was going to increase with it being an election year, but no one could have anticipated the development of world events we all faced together. Our year-end analysis brought to light exactly how TPF’s portfolios had a good year despite the volatility in the markets.

What made the difference? And more importantly, what do we need to remember as we move into 2021?

First, disciplined Institutional investors were rewarded in 2020 by sticking to their asset allocations and taking advantage of the huge market swings. These unprecedented market swings hit every asset class, providing the catalyst to rebalance to allocation targets.

Next, our acumen, expressed through the quality stock selection by TPF’s active managers, allowed us to successfully navigate the unprecedented 2020 investment world. The result? TPF’s partners were rewarded with a TPF Balanced Fund net return of 15.4% for the year.

Are you interested in learning more? Then I hope you will take a few minutes to view our new webinar, “THE WORD ON THE STREET: 2020 Overview and Investment Q&A.” This on-demand webinar, hosted by Kris Katarski and me, is an exciting educational discussion that not only reviews the impact of an unprecedented 2020, but also prepares you for what’s coming in 2021.

Click here to register for and view this webinar today!