Texas Presbyterian Foundation
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5 Key Generosity Trends for 2020 and Beyond

What changes can you expect due to the continued transformation of the generosity demonstrated by church members and donors? Click here to check out Rick Young's thoughts on and recommendations around the 5 key trends in generosity he sees coming to prominence in 2020.

Strategizing for the Future: Don’t Forget the Trademark of Sustainability…

Endowments are powerful giving vehicles that truly can help you change the lives of others. Click here for more information about the different ways you can establish an Endowment to support your favorite church or nonprofit.

It’s Not Just About Today! Focus on Tomorrow…

There can be no question. We are NOT speculators or prophets. But we do have a proven investment philosophy that can increase your ability to expand your impact on mission. How do we do it? Click here to find out how...

It Only Takes a Spark—Five Simple Keys to Inspiring Generosity

Is generosity important to your church or institution? Have you ever wondered how to further integrate it into the fabric of everything you do? Check out our latest post and see five simple keys to help you inspire generosity within your church members and donors.

Endowments: Is it Possible to Have Too Much of a Good Thing?

Can you ever have too much of a good thing? The answer to this question is tricky, particularly when it involves generosity and endowments. However, there are considerations that can help to clarify your particular situation. Click here for some added clarity to a complex question.

Shape Your Stewardship Efforts with the Latest Trends in Philanthropic Giving

Really, what could be more important than a clear understanding of who is giving, why they are giving, how they are giving, and how much they are giving? This is the information that must shape our strategic planning and stewardship/fundraising programs.

I'm Not THAT Nice

Sometimes, despite our best intentions, we overlook opportunities to not only help those in need, but we miss opportunities to make a personal connection with them. Take a look at our new blog post for a reminder that people change the lives of other people.

Your Vision is Your Guide

How is your vision? Is it blurry? Are you seeing spots? What about the vision of your church or nonprofit? Is it clearly defined and communicated? Or is it unclear and intangible? Maybe somewhere in the middle?