Texas Presbyterian Foundation
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Mid-Year Market Spotlight: What Does the Future Hold?

Are you interested in what's happening now in our financial markets? It's true. We're making history! TPF's new blog post from our President, Rick Young, discusses what is happening and what might be coming in the future. Click here to check it out and learn more!

Market Spotlight for 2023: TPF Experts Talk and We Listen

What's happening in our financial markets? What can we expect in 2023? Click here to read Rick Young's thoughts on what our experts are saying now!

TPF's Latest Webinar Puts a New Spin on Our Financial Markets

Would you like some more information about what's happening now with your investments? Or maybe what you can expect from our financial markets in the coming months? Then we have just the update for you! Click here to see Jake Wilson's thoughts about one of TPF's most popular educational events.

Discipline and Acumen: Making the Most of the Current Financial Markets

What do we need to know about the financial markets moving into 2021? Click here for John Furlow's thoughts on this and more in our latest blog post.

Change, Volatility, & Extraordinary Circumstances: 3 Things You Need to Know Now About Our Financial Markets

Right now, our financial markets, along with everything else, are turbulent and unpredictable. But what do you really need to know? Click here to see John Furlow's top three highlights from our most recent webinar focused on navigating these turbulent times.


Are you curious about what you can expect from the markets in the coming year? While we don't actually have a Magic 8-Ball, TPF's President & CEO, Rev. Rick Young, does provide guiding insight to help us anticipate what the coming year might bring. Click here for a first look!

It’s Not Just About Today! Focus on Tomorrow…

There can be no question. We are NOT speculators or prophets. But we do have a proven investment philosophy that can increase your ability to expand your impact on mission. How do we do it? Click here to find out how...

Happy Birthday TPF Balanced Fund!

The TPF Balanced Fund just had a birthday, and it's time to celebrate 20 years of allocation diversity, growth, and stewardship! What makes the fund so special? And more importantly, how can this celebrated investment tool help YOU?

We Care About You AND Doing the Right Thing

Sustainable. Responsible. These are words that we actively associate with environmental conservation and social programs. But if you don’t already, you should also consider the importance of their application to investments.