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Real Estate Fund

Inception Date: October 1, 2006

The TPF Real Estate Fund is a diversified co-mingled portfolio of core institutional-quality, income-producing U.S. real properties. The portfolio is broadly diversified across industrial, multi-family, retail and office properties, and geographically across all regions of the country and it is benchmarked against the NCREIF Property Index.

An initial commitment to this Fund has been made by the TPF Balanced Fund and will be used as an alternative to U.S. fixed income investments.

This fund is appropriate only for long-term, permanent portfolios, and there are limitations on access and liquidity.

Net Assets: $37.5 Million
As of December 31, 2024

Fund Management

33% of the Fund is managed by INVESCO Real Estate Advisors of Dallas, TX.

33% of the Fund is managed by Prudential Asset Management’s PRISA II, Madison, NJ.

33% of the Fund is managed by Harrison Street Core Real Estate Fund of Chicago, IL.

1% of the Fund is held in Cash and Short Term.


For additional information, please contact your Relationship Manager.