Stay ahead in our constantly changing world with regular updates from our TPF Staff and Partners.
AI is revolutionizing the landscape for churches and nonprofits by enhancing efficiency, engagement, and resource management, helping organizations maximize their impact. Click here to learn more about the benefits and challenges we face as we strive to responsibly leverage this game changing tool.
While TPF celebrates our century of service, we are focused on new ways to enable and expand mission with our partners. This blog post outlines The Rev. Dr. Rick Young's thoughts on the this exciting milestone and how we plan to enhance our partnerships in the future.
It is always a good time to focus on generosity and growth. Click here to check out TPF's new blog post from The Rev. Dr. Rick Young for some inspirational ideas you can use today!
It is always a good idea to explore new and unconventional tactics and strategies when it comes to inspiring generosity and your approach to stewardship. Click here to check out that blog post from Stefanie Marsden and learn more about how others are increasing their impact on mission.
TPF is dedicated to remaining at the forefront of excellence and innovation in the field of institutional investment education. Click here to learn more about John Furlow's thoughts on the key trends impacting the financial markets and your investments today.
Effective cross-generational communication is key to connecting with donors and church members. But where do you start? What is the best way to bridge the gaps between generations? This blog post from Kristi Posewitz, TPF's Director of Marketing, answers these questions and more.
We know that churches and nonprofit have diverse technological needs. But what can technology really do for you? How can it help you improve the lives of others in 2024? In this new blog post, Mary Beth Forster, our VP, Information Systems answers these questions and more. Check it out today!
Communication is key to inspiring generosity in your congregation. This blog post from Jake Wilson, provides useful strategies you can easily implement to ensure you are growing an enthusiastic culture of trust to support your efforts to enable and expand your mission. Click here to learn more!
Great things are happening all around us. Despite undeniable challenges facing our churches at every turn, we have so much to look forward to in the coming year. Click here for The Rev. Dr. Rick Young's thoughts on growing our mission and ministries in 2024.
Are you interested in what's happening now in our financial markets? It's true. We're making history! TPF's new blog post from our President, Rick Young, discusses what is happening and what might be coming in the future. Click here to check it out and learn more!
It's true that in-person philanthropic events can help you maximize your impact on your mission. But where do you start? What should be your focus? Click here to read Stefanie Marden's new step-by-step guild to planning and executing a successful live event.
Endowment Funds can help churches and nonprofits support their mission for years into the future. Click here to learn more about Jake Wilson's thoughts on why these funds are critical when it comes to achieving sustainability and stability.
TPF provides two secure online portals to help you safely and easily manage your investment account to maximize your impact on mission. In this blog post, Kristi Posewitz, TPF's Director of Marketing answers some of your most frequently asked questions about this useful tools...
What's happening in our financial markets? What can we expect in 2023? Click here to read Rick Young's thoughts on what our experts are saying now!
The end-of-year giving season is almost upon us. Our new blog post from Kristi Posewitz, TPF's Director of Marketing, reviews 10 easy things you can do now to make the most of this time and maximize your impact on mission. Click here to learn more...
In this time of stock market volatility and soaring inflation, it is possible to be overwhelmed by a dark sense of dread. But a new dawn is coming! Click here for The Rev. Dr. Rick Young's thoughts on how we can create a sense of hopeful stability even in these uncertain times.
There's never been a better time to focus on planned giving and your legacy program. But what why? What can you do to maximize your impact on mission? Click here for Stefanie Marsden's thoughts on the importance of planned giving NOW.
Even in these unpredictable times, your spend rate can ensure your continued support of your mission? But what exactly is it? And how does this work? Click here for John Furlow's latest blog post about how a spend rate works for you!
Right now, churches and nonprofits are affected by our complicated world as we work together to maximize our impact on mission. As things change, so do our opportunities to spark generosity. Click here for Jake Wilson's overview of three trends in generosity that you can use today!
There are so many challenges when it comes to creating meaningful exchanges with your church members or donors. This new blog post from Kristi Posewitz, TPF's Director of Marketing provides five strategies that you can apply today to help connect you with the right audiences and grow your mission.
Churches and nonprofits alike are facing a litany of new issues that impact all areas of your organizations. But together, we can can make things better. Check out this new blog post from The Rev. Dr. Rick Young for a message of hopeful inspiration as we run the race set before us.
Every day, we face a constantly changing array of cyber attacks. But there are ways you can protect your church or nonprofit. Click here for Mary Beth Foster's advice on effective ways to build a solid defense when it comes to your cybersecurity!
Lingering headwinds, volatile equity markets, the U.S. Federal Reserve - this new blog post covers it all! Click here for our partner Kris Katarski's thoughts on what's affecting our financial markets now.
The church and nonprofit landscape is constantly changing. That is especially true now as we look forward into 2022. But what's different? How is leadership evolving? What can we expect? Click here for the Rev. Dr. Rick Young's thoughts on this and more!
There are so many ways that TPF can help you maximize your impact on mission, and our operations team works tirelessly to support you every day. Click here for TPF Relationship Manager Stephanie Ray's thoughts on the best ways to make the most of your partnership with TPF.
A clear and consistent generosity message is critical to inspiring a culture of giving. It can help you establish trust, credibility, and authenticity as you strive to change the lives of others. Click here to learn more about defining your own unique generosity message.
Would you like some more information about what's happening now with your investments? Or maybe what you can expect from our financial markets in the coming months? Then we have just the update for you! Click here to see Jake Wilson's thoughts about one of TPF's most popular educational events.
Legacy giving is especially important in the tumultuous environment of today. And TPF's new Legacy Builder website exists to help churches and nonprofits build lasting legacy planning programs. Check out this blog post from The Rev. Dr. Rick Young to find out how you can learn more!
It's not a secret that well-executed legacy giving program is important to your fundraising strategy. But why exactly is it important to build a legacy giving program that lasts right now? Click here for Stefanie Marsden's thoughts on this and more!
It's not a secret that Endowments and Charitable Gift Annuities as great legacy planning tools. But what's so special about them? If you're wondering, then we have the list for you. Click here for a list of the 10 best things you need to know now about these giving vehicles!
We each define our legacy every day. What will yours be? A legacy of love? A legacy of purpose? In this blog post, Jake Wilson explores the different types of legacies and the importance of impacting generations to come.
You can still grow a thriving legacy program, even in our constantly changing environment. But what's changed? What does normal look like now? Click here for The Rev. Dr. Rick Young's thoughtful insight on this and more...
What do we need to know about the financial markets moving into 2021? Click here for John Furlow's thoughts on this and more in our latest blog post.
Let's look to a bright future in 2021. Click here for The Rev. Dr. Rick Young's thoughts on the importance of working hand-in-hand to change the lives of others, together.
Nobody knows what the future will bring, but we do know that you can never be too prepared. It takes both preparation and luck to achieve success. Click here for Jake Wilson's thoughts on the importance of proactively managing the financial health of your church or non-profit organization.
Our President, The Rev. Dr. Rick Young, has been busy during the past few months. It's no surprise, that he's continued to grow our practice of generosity and stewardship. Click here to not only find out what he's been up to, but also for his recommendations for growing generosity now.
Right now, our financial markets, along with everything else, are turbulent and unpredictable. But what do you really need to know? Click here to see John Furlow's top three highlights from our most recent webinar focused on navigating these turbulent times.
Right now, growing a church or nonprofit can be especially difficult. While slow cautious steps forward might feel comfortable, it's critical that we don't just wait for the world to happen around us. Click here for Rick Young's 5 steps to supporting proactive growth in a reactive environment.
Our recent isolation has been different for everyone, but it has been especially difficult for the more extroverted among us. Click here for Stefanie Marsden's thoughts on what's happening in our current environment and hopeful words of encouragement.
Always an important part of most everything we do, technology has now become critical to even the simplest of daily activities. Click here to read Jake Wilson's thoughts on how we can truly connect during this time of isolation.
We are navigating new and uncertain times. In this new blog post, The Rev. Dr. Rick Young shares his hopeful thoughts on how and why generations are working together to support each other. Click here for this valuable insight...
The best way to encourage generosity is to talk about it. It's time to get started! Click here to five easy ways you can encourage generosity TODAY.
Charitable giving continues to change. What's causing this? Click here to take a look at how the different generations are continually impacting the face of generosity and review the new rules for successfully navigating these changes.
What changes can you expect due to the continued transformation of the generosity demonstrated by church members and donors? Click here to check out Rick Young's thoughts on and recommendations around the 5 key trends in generosity he sees coming to prominence in 2020.
There's a big difference between HAVE TO and WANT TO generosity. Take a look at our latest blog post for The Rev. Dr. Richard Young's three keys to encouraging the WANT TO kind of generosity that truly changes lives.
Always expect the unexpected. Especially when it comes to our financial markets. To learn more, check out John Furlow's thoughts on the first two quarters of 2019 and register for our upcoming live, mid-year investment conversation.
When it comes to technology, the only thing we know for sure is that everything will change. These changes bring a constant flow of updates and questions for TPF partners. Click here for insight into the 5 trends most likely to affect you over the coming year.
Are you looking for new ways to talk about and encourage generosity? Is stewardship important to you? Click here to learn more about how we plan to help you continue on your generosity journey.
Are you curious about what you can expect from the markets in the coming year? While we don't actually have a Magic 8-Ball, TPF's President & CEO, Rev. Rick Young, does provide guiding insight to help us anticipate what the coming year might bring. Click here for a first look!
Endowments are powerful giving vehicles that truly can help you change the lives of others. Click here for more information about the different ways you can establish an Endowment to support your favorite church or nonprofit.
There can be no question. We are NOT speculators or prophets. But we do have a proven investment philosophy that can increase your ability to expand your impact on mission. How do we do it? Click here to find out how...
What do you need to know about your investments? We're here to tell you. Click here to see Rick's thoughts on carefully managing information and why it's important you attend our upcoming webinar.
Is generosity important to your church or institution? Have you ever wondered how to further integrate it into the fabric of everything you do? Check out our latest post and see five simple keys to help you inspire generosity within your church members and donors.
We hope you'll check out this sneak peek of TPF's upcoming free webinar, “Intentional Grace: A Simple Plan to Inspire Generosity.” Jake Wilson gives his thoughts on why this event will be valuable for all of our TPF partners. Take a look and see for yourself!
It's true. Together we CAN achieve more. Today, churches and non-profit organizations face many of the same challenges. Check out this blog post by John Furlow to find out how TPF can help you overcome these challenges to have an even greater impact on mission.
Can you ever have too much of a good thing? The answer to this question is tricky, particularly when it involves generosity and endowments. However, there are considerations that can help to clarify your particular situation. Click here for some added clarity to a complex question.
Cybersecurity. What is it? Why is it so important? Click here to read about why it's so important to TPF and find out how we go above and beyond to ensure your data is protected from the ever-changing cyber threats we all face today.
Really, what could be more important than a clear understanding of who is giving, why they are giving, how they are giving, and how much they are giving? This is the information that must shape our strategic planning and stewardship/fundraising programs.
Sometimes, despite our best intentions, we overlook opportunities to not only help those in need, but we miss opportunities to make a personal connection with them. Take a look at our new blog post for a reminder that people change the lives of other people.
The TPF Balanced Fund just had a birthday, and it's time to celebrate 20 years of allocation diversity, growth, and stewardship! What makes the fund so special? And more importantly, how can this celebrated investment tool help YOU?
How is your vision? Is it blurry? Are you seeing spots? What about the vision of your church or nonprofit? Is it clearly defined and communicated? Or is it unclear and intangible? Maybe somewhere in the middle?
Insider threats are a plague to companies throughout the world, and unfortunately, churches and non-profits face these same threats. What exactly are insider threats, and how can they affect you?
Sustainable. Responsible. These are words that we actively associate with environmental conservation and social programs. But if you don’t already, you should also consider the importance of their application to investments.