Why Not Make it Easier to Give?

What’s Your Generosity Message? A Six-Part Series from TPF’s Legacy and Generosity Toolkit


Why Should You Use Online Giving?

As you know, the Church has enabled all kinds of giving for centuries. In order to keep up with the changing needs of our congregations, we must continue to evolve the services we provide, and this includes the ways in which we enable generosity and giving. Listed below are some reasons why online giving could serve to support your generosity message and enable the act of giving:

  • Encourages increased and consistent giving
  • Provides a convenient giving option
  • Reduces your administration efforts


Getting Started

Once you have the support of your leadership and staff, it’s time to choose a tool (or partner) to help you manage and execute your online giving program. Before you do anything else, be sure to answer the following questions:

  • How technically savvy is your team? Do you want the easiest possible installation and set-up on your website? Or are you equipped to support a solution that could be more challenging?
  • Will you accept one-time and recurring gifts?
  • Will you have a technical expert on staff to provide continued support for the giving functionality?
  • Would you like to collect additional information from the people who are giving online?
  • What is your budget for this project? How much are you willing to spend for set-up and then for monthly processing fees?

After you have answered the questions above, you can begin to explore potential partners and online giving options. The key is to identify the partner that best meets your specific needs.



God will open the windows of heaven for you and pour down a blessing until there is no more need.